New Britain: Nation Of Shopkeepers And Bankrupt Billionaires

Posted on February 17, 2008
Filed Under News |

Hurrah! The people of New Britain are now bankers every one!

We all own a bank and can write cheques for whatever amount we want because it is our money and we own it!

Well, not quite.

Wonderful Gordon “Prudence” Brown and his puppet Darling of the Treasury have actually saddled almost every man, woman and child of this nation with a debt of £1000.

Yes, it sounds like Monopoly money and, of course, that is the way the bankers and politicians look at at when it gets to the level of squillions of squid. After all, they are hardly going to have to find that kind of money in the real world.

That job they leave, as always, to the ordinary taxpayer.

So, Northern Rock has now been nationalised. The choice of last resort.

The only saving grace is that we will not have the indignity of having high streets full of Virgin Banks, selling Virgin Mobiles and Virgin Atlantic flights and Virgin Cola and Virgin Condoms. We have been saved from the bilious spiv dream of Rodney Trotter in Only Fools and Horses.

So, does it feel as if you now have access to untold riches?

Or does it seem that your incompetent government has made yet another total and absolute mess of things and sold you a pup?

We had all better hope that there are no more runs on the banks as the recession starts to bite, otherwise we may all end up paying for their collapse for the rest of our lives.

Gordon Brown: your money unsafe in this man’s clunking iron fist.

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