World Forever Stuck With Tony Blair
Posted on January 21, 2008
Filed Under Politics |
Although for most people Tony Blair is now just a shadowy memory of which you are occasionally reminded with a shudder, we can all expect to see and hear much more of him in the future.
There was always the question of what he would do after he left the arena of politics: would he pretend to be a statesman, or would he just press his snout into any old money trough which was going?
Of course, politics does enable you to do both, as long as you aspire to something beyond the restrictive confines of New Britain, where corruption may be rife, but the payback is pretty petty by world standards.
For those who do remember the vastly dilatory departure of our erstwhile dear celebrity leader, there was always the question of why it was so necessary to cling with such white-knuckled desperation to the last carriage of the departing gravy train.
Why did Tony Blair just have to go to that last meeting of the European moneygrubbing bureaucrats?
The rest of the time, he was quite content to just swan around the world doing little more than grinning at other universally hated leaders and posing for magazines with his family and entourage, looking like an audition for a remake of The Munsters.
It got to the point that Tony Blair became like that piece of chewing gum or dog turd that gets stuck to your shoe which you just cannot seem to wipe off.
Could it have been that he wanted to ensure his own personal place at the big table, where avarice and gluttony are not seen as vices, but signs that the pipsqueaks have finally made it?
A hint from AOL News:
Mr Brown has deliberately chosen to give the Bill [to ratify the controversial EU Reform Treaty, on which everyone except Gordon Brown thinks there should be a referendum] as much Commons exposure as possible - taking the line-by-line committee stage on the floor of the Commons -in an attempt to expose differences within the Tory Party.
However, Mr Davidson [who warns of an increasing rebellion as the Bill passes through Parliament] claimed that a large number of Labour MPs were unhappy at the way Tony Blair negotiated the treaty in the final days of his premiership, now that it had emerged that Mr Blair was in the running to become the new President of Europe - a post created by the treaty.
So, perhaps that was it. Tony Blair just couldn’t leave office until he had lined up something which would perpetuate the impression that he is a major-league politician, rather than a talentless, intellectually-challenged celebrity wannabe; along with the provision of vast open coffers of taxpayers’ loot to be pilfered with impunity.
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Tags: corruption, dodgy deals, government, hypocrisy, tony blair, untrustworthiness
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