Miguel Ponce de Leon, chief architect and researcher of Telecommunications Software and Systems Group (TSSG) wants to replace the internet with something better because it will be useless when 5G comes along. De Leon is a part of an EU-based research project called Pristine that aims to develop RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) a type of computer network architecture that will unify distributed computing and telecoms.
According to De Leon, the internet architecture that people and businesses use today with broadband, Wi-Fi and mobile is inefficient. Once 5G is deployed in the future, the internet architecture will be useless. RINA proposes a theory on how a communications network must be built. TSSG researchers have combined the theories of John Day, grandfather of the internet and Louis Pouzin, one of the creators of the original ARPANet.
If you think about present-day internet that was developed in the later part of 1960, mobility and security were not considered. De Leon and his team delved into the foundation of the internet and interviewed Louis Pouzin who shared an idea in the form of a diagram on how to move packets of data around a network. Louis Pouzin provided a lot of insights on different alternatives that can be used.
De Leon says that if you will look at how cloud data centres are put together through the use of virtual machines, you can see that it can seamlessly replace the current architecture of the internet. The current limitations of the internet can be seen when homes and offices experience congestion control when users are accessing games and apps. Sometimes, it is very difficult to connect to an app. All the proposals sound wonderful but the question is when will it happen?
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