Blogging For Burma

September 26, 2007 · Filed Under International, News, Politics, Web Publishing 

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In Burma (Myanmar), thousands of Buddhist monks are marching through the streets every day to protest against more than 40 years of dictatorship. They are joint by major parts of the population. In the past, any anti-government protests have been stopped by the army with fierce violence and the arrest of the protestors. So, far, the military has not intervened on these latest civil movement.

We want to tell to the Government of Myanmar: the community of bloggers - and therefore the world - is watching every step you take. Do not excert any violence on the peaceful protesters.

We want to tell to the monks and to the people of Myanmar: you are not alone. The time for change in Myanmar has come and the people of Myanmar have a right to enjoy the same economic growth than your neighbouring countries and the increase of democratic rights.

So, we ask all blogs to post this message. Feel free to translate this message into your language. If you are a blog reader, write a message to your favourite blogs and ask them to participate in this joint action. Please follow the news on BBC World or any other news channel.

We further ask you to report us that you have posted this message. Please go to and enter your blog name, the URL, and the estimated number of readers.

Thank you for you support.

Deeper analyses of the current situation can be found at
The Bloggers from Burma: You Are Truly Ours


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