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Internet Of Things And Its Effects On Healthcare

Internet Of Things And Its Effects On Healthcare

The most likely source of information for people who are looking for private clinics like is the internet. The internet plays a major role in the success of many businesses because it allows them to reach their customers with a just a few clicks on the mouse. Technology has allowed businesses to grow and expand in ways that they never thought possible.

The Internet of Things is a technology that promises to transform the way that humanity operates. The hype over Internet of Things (loT) appears to be well funded. According to the UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, the world market for smart city technology services is expected to reach more than £250 billion by the end of the decade.

Internet of Things is the concept of basically connecting any device that has an on and off switch to the internet. This includes almost everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, wearable devices, headphones, etc. The loT is a giant network of connected things including people. The new rule of the future will be everything that can be connected will be connected meaning devices can start communicating with each other.

However, there is one area where loT is justified and it is the field of healthcare. Take the example of artificial pancreas; smart sensors inside the body will be able to monitor blood sugar levels and it can be networked into an internal insulin pump creating an artificial pancreas.

Similar applications can work with blood, endocrine system and other systems inside the human body. It is very likely that loT will be placed inside the body like a co-processor network. The good thing with this technology is it does not need to be surgically implanted because it can easily be swallowed orally. The device does not run through batteries but works through heat exchange or movement and still be wirelessly connected.

The loT means that patients that will be monitored with a greater degree of accuracy and it will be able to detect a heart attack through simple sensors. Sensors will also help prevent the spread of diseases. It can become the doctor in an emergency.