Is There Anybody There?

April 25, 2008 · Filed Under Site Info · Comment 

This will have to serve as a quick apology and small signal that the world has not come to an end.

There have been a lot of persistent and intermittent problems with the server and there have also been a lot of software releases and updates from various sources which have to be looked at and played with and then deleted and discarded, along with clumps of hair.

Some figures came through for the numbers of people who have downloaded the podcast MP3 thing, which were flatteringly decent. No, not millions, but respectably into the higher single figures. Ha!

There are also those people who keep track of things through the various feeds, so thank you all very much for continuing to look and listen.

Wuhudo is still the place where things are going to go eventually - pronounced “woo-who-do” - but there is still work to be done moving and changing software and waiting for a major new extension to the main CMS to come out.

So, there we are. A small update.

Is Auld Clunkie still stumbling and shuffling along the corridors of power at Number 10, does anyone know?

Seems like only yesterday he came to power, all grumpy and grinless and now he has to leave us, almost before anyone had noticed he had arrived.

Hardly worth waiting ten years for, was it?

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