NHS UK: Your Life Not Safe In Their Hands

Posted on December 23, 2007
Filed Under Politics |

Does anyone still remember Gordon Brown when he was not just a figure of fun, a blundering imbecile who could not manage a whelk stall?

You may just remember some of the catchphrases which were used about him. He had a massive brain he called “Prudence”. He had a great big clunking iron fist he used to smash policies through which nobody wanted. He had a broken “moral compass” which always pointed him in the wrong direction. That’s about it.

Then he became Mr Bean and everyone saw him as the emperor with no clothes and just started to wait until he and his incompetent and discredited party get booted out at the next election.

It just seems a pity that we did not see all this coming more clearly when Gordon Brown was playing Oliver Hardy to Tony Blair’s Stan Laurel. It was not as if we did not know how disreputable they were even then.

So, after HMRC lost half the population’s data and DVLA lost the details of over 3 million learner drivers through some tin-pot moneymaking scam in America, we now have the NHS losing even more records containing people’s personal and private details.

The Sunday Mirror has this:

Hundreds of thousands of Health Service patients’ details have gone missing in a new data scandal.

Sensitive details about adults and children were lost in 10 incidents at NINE separate NHS Trusts. The revelation is the latest twist in the data crisis besetting Gordon Brown’s Government.

Health Secretary Alan Johnson’s department last night confirmed details - kept on computer discs or memory sticks - had gone missing. But the Department of Health refused to reveal how many patients were involved or the exact nature of the blunders.

Cases include the loss of a CD holding 160,000 children’s names and addresses by a Trust in East London and the loss of 244 cancer patients’ details by the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells health trust in Kent.

In one case, in Norfolk and Norwich, medical papers on patients with lung, breast and colon cancer were dumped in a wheelie bin.

Of course, all these data loss scandals are only the ones which have been uncovered and therefore have to be admitted to. They are probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Gordon Brown’s banana republic Britain shows yet again that nobody should feel safe under New Labour.

The amazing thing is that Gordon Brown and his New Labour failures and misfits will be trying to con you that ID cards will protect you against this type of mass terrorism by the state against the citizen. They will try to foist ID cards on you because there is a swamp of money to be made from it.

If that ever happens, you can be sure that all your personal data has fallen into the hands of either the old fashioned criminal fraternity or the new wave of corporate crooks and terrorists.

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