More Dangerous American Pie In The Sky

George Bush said of the Guantanamo Bay detainees something like: ‘I don’t know what these people have done, but I know they are the worst of the worst’, managing thereby to reveal his stupidity and the dangers of circumventing the process of law.
We now have the FBI wanting to filch, eavesdrop and pry into any […]

Gordon Brown’s Britain: Police “At War” With Government

As if Gordon Brown and his halfwit ministers and cronies had not made a sufficient mess of governing Britain already, they have now managed to have the police of the country, viewed by many as the ’state police’, declare that they are now “at war” with the government, which is unprecedented in history, so Gordon […]

Already Discredited UK Government Loses More Data

Do you remember how the British government lost the details of some 25 million people because it was too tightfisted to separate out the details of the information requested between two government departments in order to make it anonymous, could not be bothered to encrypt or otherwise protect it and just bunged it in the […]

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