New Britain: A Saudi Satellite Slave State

Posted on February 16, 2008
Filed Under Politics |

Strange that politicians love to talk tough when the going is good, but become incapable, gibbering idiots as soon as there is any sign of trouble.

Is it because they are spineless cowards by their nature or are they just so slippery that they cannot stick to anything to prevent them from slithering from the moral high ground to the gutter to the sewer?

If their brave talk is to be believed, we shall soon have every real and imagined criminal rotting their lives away in Titan Prisons and every real or, more probably, very unreal and imagined terrorist on a CIA extraordinary rendition flight to Guantanamo Bay, as New Britain and wheezy old America rid the world of anyone who does not share their grotesquely intertwined views and The War on Terror is won to universal cheers of “Hurrah!” and only small and local explosions, causing minor collateral damage to non-believers.

Unless, of course, somebody with a lot of money tells the government of New Britain to jump, in which case, our brave leaders will shout in unison: “Yes, your Lord Highness-ship, and how high may we entertain Your Most Excellent Majesty by jumping today, Your Wonderful-ship?”

When Saudi Arabia decided it did not like the idea of any tin-pot New British government looking too closely into bribery and corruption surrounding a massive arms deal, there was no attempt whatsoever to employ brinkmanship, but immediate, utter, humiliating and grovelling capitulation.

Just like Gordon Brown and Darling of the Treasury abasing themselves before the barked orders of the rich in the non-dom tax evasion scandal, Tony Blair ran with brown trousers and bicycle-clips to anyone in authority, telling them they had to be nice to his masters: the rich and the truly powerful.

The mother of Parliaments had become a common prostitute to service the lusts of the rich.

The Guardian describes how low the former nation of New Britain had sunk as it declared itself a banana republic to be bought and sold like a harlot:

The British government was powerless to resist the Saudi threats that forced it to close down the BAE corruption investigation, its lawyers insisted in the high court yesterday.


Philip Sales, QC for the crown, said the government could not “magic away” the threats from the Saudi ruling clan.

But the judge said: “Every time a hostage is taken or a ransom demanded, the answer by the government is: ‘We do not yield to threats’.”

The high court has heard unchallenged allegations that it was Prince Bandar, the alleged beneficiary of £1bn in secret payments from the arms giant BAE, who threatened to cut off intelligence on terrorists if the investigation into him and his family was not stopped.


Moses said: “What you are saying is that the law is powerless to protect our own sovereignty - the law cannot be deployed as a weapon to protect the sovereignty of this country.”

The judge said: “Your answer is, yes, it is powerless. No lawyer or court can protect one of the essential features of sovereignty, which is control over one’s own domestic criminal law system.”

Asked if that meant nothing could be done to resist this kind of threat “from a powerful foreign state”, Sales replied: “Correct - we cannot compel Saudi Arabia to adopt a different stance.”

So, if you are a criminal or a terrorist or the dictator of a foreign power and you want to test the mettle, the iron resolve of a New British prime minster, just shout “Boo!” and watch them collapse into a heap of uncontrollable tears and slimy entanglements of snot, like a toddler who has had their dummy taken away.

Oh, Brave New Britain!

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2 Responses to “New Britain: A Saudi Satellite Slave State”

  1. Mark on February 16th, 2008 9:05 pm

    There’s a campaign going for a public inquiry into the dropping of the SFO investigation. You can sign the petition at

  2. John Stevens on February 16th, 2008 10:02 pm

    Thanks for the link.

    A good idea and what looks like a good site.

    Will keep track of it.

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